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Welcome to the Treehouse

The Central Cass Treehouse is a non-profit in Casselton, ND that was established in 2019 upon hearing community stories of children coming to school without their basic needs met. The Treehouse focuses on providing for students physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially in an anonymous framework that encompasses partnership with the community and confidentiality within the school.

How to Help

Help the Treehouse accomplish their goals of meeting the basic needs of students.

There are so many ways to help!

Upcoming Events

No events at the moment

Treehouse Donations

Donations Always Needed

The following items are always needed at the Treehouse and can be dropped off at either school office during school hours.


The following items are always needed at the Treehouse. Only New & Unopened Items accepted.
Please do not donate expired food. 

Individual sized

Snack crackers

  • Sandwich, Goldfish, Cheezit, etc​

Fruit Snacks​


Breakfast Bars/Granola Bars​



Squeeze Applesauce

Pirates Booty


Fruit cups


Microwave Meals

  • Soup​

  • Pasta

    • Spaghettios​

    • Chef Boyardee

  • Hormel Meals

Full Sized



Canned Items

  • Soup​

  • Pasta

    • Spaghettios​

    • Chef Boyardee

  • Dinty Moore Stew​

  • Fruit

Treehouse Totals


Follow us on Social Media!

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
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